Sick Days

When it comes to managing diabetes during sick days, there are some general guidelines that can help individuals with diabetes maintain their blood sugar levels and recover more comfortably. However, it's important to note that these guidelines may vary based on individual circumstances, and it's always best to consult with a healthcare professional for personalized advice.


Sick days can present unique challenges for individuals with diabetes, as illness can affect blood sugar levels and overall diabetes management.

Topics: Sick Day Rules


Sick-Day Rules: 15g of Carbohydrates typically refers to a guideline for managing blood glucose levels in individuals with diabetes when they are feeling unwell. During illness, it's common for blood sugar levels to become more difficult to control, and changes in appetite, hydration, and medication requirements can occur. The "15g of Carbohydrates" rule is a strategy to help stabilize blood sugar levels during sickness.

Topics: Sick Day Rules


During illness, it can be challenging to remember all the necessary steps and precautions to manage diabetes effectively. Here is a quick guide that can be easily accessed during sick days.


When you have diabetes, you need to take particularly good care of yourself when you're sick. Any illness, such as the common cold, the flu or a stomach bug, may cause high blood glucose.